Strategies to spearhead growth
transport and ict connectivity focus area strategies
Transport Connectivity
The focus of the Transport Connectivity Focus Area strategies is on emplacing a subregional regulatory framework to facilitate cross-border movement of vehicles and passengers and developing and improving transport physical infrastructure.
The former will involve leveraging on the policy and regulatory reform measures that have been agreed at the ASEAN level. In this context, IMT-GT will seek to accelerate the implementation of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-state Transport (AFAFIST) and ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Cross-Border Transport of Passengers (CBTP), among others. IMT-GT will review and update the IMT-GT MoU on Expansion of Air Linkage signed in April 1995 to enhance air connectivity and to complement the ASEAN Open Sky arrangements. To improve maritime connectivity, IMT-GT will promote RO-RO ferry services and cruise shipping.
IMT-GT will continue to expand and modernise the existing physical transport infrastructure for greater physical connectivity, starting with the infrastructure along the five subregional priority economic corridors and later expanding to secondary cities, smaller towns and rural areas.
ICT Connectivity
While IMT-GT has a long history of transport cooperation, its experience in ICT cooperation is relatively recent. The decision to include ICT as a strategic pillar and focus area of Vision 2036 was made at the 23rd IMT-GT Senior Officials’ Meeting and 22nd IMT-GT Ministerial Meeting held in Phang Nga, Thailand in September 2016. The SOM and MM agreed that ICT is an important driver of subregional connectivity and an effective enabler for accelerating the transformation of the subregion’s economy towards knowledgeintensive and inclusive growth.
To further institutionalise the ICT cooperation agenda, IMT-GT will establish a Sub-Working Group on ICT Connectivity. The ASEAN’s Digital Innovation Strategic Area as outlined in the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 provides a useful guide for the sub-working group to frame its potential areas of ICT cooperation. Given that ICT connectivity is a relatively new area of cooperation, IMT-GT will refrain from adopting too many ICT-related agenda items of the MPAC 2025. The top priority will be on applying ICT for business transformation and ICT infrastructure development along the priority economic corridors. IMT-GT recognises that application of ICT and related disruptive technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, cloud technology, and the Internet of Things are cross-cutting in nature and could result in increased efficiency and new products and services. In view of this, parallel to the initiatives of the Transport and ICT Connectivity Focus Area, individual Focus Areas will actively promote ICT in their respective areas.
No. | Project Name | Project Proponent | Status | Year |
1. | Transport: Revision of IMT-GT MoU on Air Linkages | MOT Indonesia, MOT Malaysia, MOT Thailand | Completed | |
2. | ICT Connectivity: Workshop on IMT-GT Smart City | Digital Economy Promotion Agency, Min of Digital Economy and Society Thailand | Completed |