" An Integrated, Innovative, Inclusive & Sustainable Subregion By 2036 "

It is shared strategy for promoting growth through greater regional economic integration and innovation, and for conserving and investing in IMT-GT's natural capital for the well-being of the present and future generations. It is also a long-term strategy for empowering its people to contribute to and benefit from the socioeconomic development of the subregion.




IMT-GT E-Commerce Platform was proposed in the 12th IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) on 14-16 March 2019 in Kelantan, Malaysia. The completion and implementation of the platform also involves all the Working Groups in IMT-GT cooperation and various layers of governments in the Member Countries. The main focus of the project is to assist the MSMEs in the subregion to access and tap into the e-commerce market not only in the IMT countries but also beyond.