16 March 2021, Virtual Meeting on IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) Breakout Session on Working Group of Halal Product and Services was held. The Standing Chair of IMT-GT IMT-GT WG on Halal Product and Services is Assoc. Prof. Dr Winai Dahlan, Founding Director, The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. The meeting also attends by Head of Delegation Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Sukoso, Msc. Ph.D (Chief of Halal Product on Assurance Agency (BPJPH)), Head of Delegation Malaysia Datuk Hanafi Sakri (Senior Director, Ministry of International Trade and Industry), On behalf Director Mr Abdul Aziz Mohamad Sharkawi (Senior Principal Assistant Director, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Industrial Development Division), Head of Delegation Thailand, Ms. Sulida Wangchi (Assistant Director The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University) and Mr. Firdaus Dahlan (Director of CIMT).