The 14th IMT-GT Working Meeting on Agriculture and Agro-based Industry was convened virtually on Friday, 11 June 2021. The meeting was attended by CIMT, Standing Chairman of IMT-GT WG on Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Head of Delegation Indonesia Dr. Ade Candradijaya (Director for the Bureau of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia), Head of Delegation Malaysia Mr. Mohd Faizal Harun (Undersecretary, International Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Malaysia), Head of Delegation Thailand Dr. Vanida Khumnirdpetch (Director of Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kingdom of Thailand) and Director of CIMT Mr. Firdaus Dahlan. This meeting is focused on the working group follow-up actions and activity, report on the progress of Implementation Blueprint (IB) 2017-2021, progress on formulation of IB 2022-2026, SOM/MM Meeting Preparation and date and venue of the next meeting.