The 14th IMT-GT Working Meeting on Human Resource Development, Education and Culture was convened virtually on Wednesday, 16 June 2021. The meeting was attended by Standing Chairman of IMT-GT Working Group, Ms. Eva Trisiana (Acting Head of International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Manpower the Republic of Indonesia), Head of Delegation Malaysia Mrs. Siti Nani Shaarani (Principal Assistant Secretary, Policy Division Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia), Head of Delegation Thailand Mrs. Arunee Hiam (Director for Partnership for Development Bureau Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand) and Director of CIMT Mr. Firdaus Dahlan. This meeting is focused on the working group follow-up actions and activity, report on the progress of Implementation Blueprint (IB) 2017-2021, progress on formulation of IB 2022-2026, SOM/MM Meeting Preparation and date and venue of the next meeting.