The 1st IMT-GT Working Group Meeting on Environment was convened virtually on Wednesday, 7 July 2021. The Standing Chair of IMT-GT WGE Meeting is Head of Delegation Thailand Mr. Pavich Kesavawong (Director of Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Thailand), also attended by Head of Delegation Indonesia Dr. Ir. Haruki Agustina, MSc (Director of Contamination Recovery And Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia), Head of Delegation Malaysia Mr. Rosmahyuddin (Strategic Planning and International Relations Ministry of Environment and Water of Malaysia), and Director of CIMT Mr. Firdaus Dahlan. This meeting is update on outcome of 14th SPM Meeting on 30 April 2021, Outcome of Cooperation With Potential Partners; UN-ESCAP: Webinar on Climate Action 14-15 June 2021; NewQuest Geotechnology: Webinar on Promotion Sustainable Energy in The Subregion: Exploration & Utilization of Low-Medium Geothermal Sources for GHG Reduction, 28 April 2021.