The IMT-GT Expo took place concurrently with the opening ceremony of Gebyar Melayu Pesisir (GMP) in conjunction with Riau Islands Province as the host for the 20th IMT-GT Chief Ministers and Governors Forum (CMGF). These events were held on 26 – 30 September 2023. The 20th CMGF was chaired by H.E. Mr. Ansar Ahmad, the Governor of Riau Islands, Indonesia. The meeting was attended by Chief Minister of Perlis, H.E. Mohamad Shukri Ramli from Malaysia and Hon. Mr. Pornpoth Penpas, Deputy Secretary for Interior, Ministery of Interior, Kingdom of Thailand. The meeting was also attended by Hon. Mr. Alfredo Perdiguero, Regional Head of Regional Cooperation and Integration, Southeast Asia Department of Asian Development Bank and Ms. Kanchana Wanichkorn, Director of the Sectoral Development Directorate, ASEAN Connectivity Division, ASEAN Secretariat, and Mr. Firdaus Dahlan, Director of CIMT along with Head of Delegates of IMT-GT Joint Business Council (JBC) Mr. Sjahrian Kurnia Ramadhan and Head of Delegates of UNINET, Prof. Dr. Shahriman Zainal Abidin.
#Indonesia #Malaysia #Thailand #imtgt #cimt #growthtriangle #subregional #cooperation #ministerialmeeting #riauislands #batam #chiefministersandgovernorsforum #gebyarmelayupesisir #CMGF #GMP