The IMT-GT UNINET Chapter Meeting For The 28th IMT-GT Senior Officials Meeting was convened virtually on Tuesday, 22 June 2021. This meeting is focused on the UNINET follow-up actions and activity, SOM/MM Meeting Preparation and date and venue of the next meeting. The Standing Chairman is from Head of Delegation Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Hizir Sofyan (Vice-Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Public Relation Affairs, Syiah Kuala University). The meeting also attends by the Head of Delegation Malaysia, Dr. Hajah Zainab Mohd Noor (Director Office of International Affairs, Universiti Teknologi Mara), Head of Delegation Thailand, Dr. Thaweesak Putsukee (Assistant to the President for International Relations, Thaksin University), Mr. Firdaus Dahlan (Director of CIMT), and UNINET Members.