On the sideline of the 20th IMTGT Chief Ministers and Governors Forum on 27th September 2023 in Batam, Indonesia, Centre for IMT-GT Subregional Cooperation (CIMT) in partnership with UN-ESCAP, launched the IMT-GT Transboundary Pilot Local Facilitation Project under the Urban-Act, 2023-2024.
The launching ceremony was inaugurated by the Governor of Riau, H.E. Mr. Ansar Ahmad; Chief Minister of Perlis, H.E. Mohamad Shukri Ramli from Malaysia; and Hon. Mr. Pornpoth Penpas, Deputy Secretary for Interior, Ministry of Interior, Kingdom of Thailand. Mr. Firdaus Dahlan, the Director of CIMT and Mr. Krzysztof Zbigniew Kaczmarski from UN-ESCAP is also present for the kick-off of the project. The launching ceremony was also witnessed by Senior Officials from IMTGT countries.
#Indonesia #Malaysia #Thailand #imtgt #cimt #growthtriangle #subregional #cooperation #ministerialmeeting #riauislands #batam #UN-ESCAP #Urban-Act