Strategies to spearhead growth
Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Focus Area Strategies
IMT-GT will implement multi-pronged strategies under the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Focus Area in order to create a sustainable, inclusive and innovative agriculture sector as well as to use the Focus Area to propel regional economic integration.
The strategies are as follows:
- Create an innovative mechanism of collaboration between government, private sector, academia and civil society for technology transfer through capacity building and knowledge sharing
- Promote a conducive financial environment for the development and innovation of value added products regionally
- Promote high value and knowledge intensive agriculture products (e.g., “Superfruits”), including products that place nutritional safety as a central component
- Design and implement cooperatively an educational programme to raise awareness on eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture practices
- Encourage the practice of eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture following national and international standards
- Promote environmentally sustainable cross-border agriculture value chains
- Support the private sector in promoting agriculture products that meet the market demand
- Encourage sharing of market information on agriculture products and agricultural product prices within IMT-GT, including through creation of mechanism for sharing of real time information
- Recommend agriculture trade regulatory framework for movement of agriculture product throughout IMT-GT/to comply with ASEAN trade regulatory framework
- Improve the agro-logistics system across borders
- Implement pilot projects to spur cross-border agriculture value chain creations for subsequent upscaling with MSMEs participation
Different strategies may entail different types of intervention which in turn may yield different end results. The key types of intervention include capacity building, knowledge sharing, regulatory reform, research and development, ecolabelling, cross-border value chain development and private sector promotion.
No. | Project Name | Project Proponent | Status | Year |
1. | IMT-GT Palm Oil Cooperation | Land Use Planning & Policy, Land Development, MOAC Thailand | Completed | October 2016 – September 2018 |
2. | Development of Local Grain Corn Productivity System for Livestock Utilisng Varieties from Indonesia and Thailand | Malaysia Agriculture Research & Development Institute, MOA Malaysia | Completed | September 2017 – February 2020 |
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