IMT-GT Capacity Building on Halal Industry
Strengthening SME's Capacity for Halal Market Introduction | The global halal market - with some estimates putting it at present at USD2.3 trillion in the food and non-food sector -…
Strengthening SME's Capacity for Halal Market Introduction | The global halal market - with some estimates putting it at present at USD2.3 trillion in the food and non-food sector -…
Date: 6th July 2021 Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am UAE Time We are witnessing a paradigm shift. The pandemic has transformed our lives. Also, the companies’ usual forms of…
Webinar Date: 28 April 2021 (Wednesday), 10.00 AM (Kuala Lumpur) Acknowledging that sustained economic growth can take place only when there is a healthy natural environment, IMT-GT will mainstream environmental…
On 22 April 2021, contributing to the Earth Day 2021, IGES will present a webinar dedicated to assisting policymakers and practitioners in developing countries with safe closure and rehabilitation of municipal…